Who Is To Blame for Trump's Win?
· 1 min read
I've seen many Facebook/Twitter friends post this story from Newsweek:

The implication is that if not for Sanders supporters, Hillary Clinton would be POTUS, not Trump. It wasn't Bernie Sanders supporters that sunk the Clinton campaign. It was a team effort. It also wasn't the fault of:
- the Democratic National Committee (DNC), who tipped the scales during the primary for Clinton.
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz's rigging of the primary for Clinton.
- the lack of an anti-racist candidate with a day one plan for racial justice.
- the DNC's memo that gave suggestions on how to ignore Black Lives Matter activists.
- Donna Brazile's leaking of debate questions to the Clinton campaign during the primary debates.
- Bernie Bros.
- #neverhillary voters.
- third party voters
- Sanders' racist dog whistle of "going beyond identity politics" in an attempt to sway racist white voters.
- DNC lawyers admitting they would be well within their rights to rig primaries and select their own candidate.
- Russian "hacking."
- Clinton supporters putting out the myth of violent Sanders supporters.
- Republican voter suppression.
- a corrupt superdelegate system.
- an archaic electoral college system.
- 53% of white women voting Trump, or Clinton under-performing with Latinos or African Americans.
No, it's not any one of those things...IT'S ALL OF THEM.