A youth opinion writer for the Indianapolis star wrote recently that
"Howard Deans recent comment generalizing the GOP as 'pretty much a white, Christian party' was both untimely and ill-advised." and that "The greatest prospect for the Democratic Party to win the 2008 presidential election is its potential to exploit the flaws of the Bush administration. Repetition of the issues, however, and not mindless name-calling, is the key to Democratic victory.
I told you so….
From the Florida’s medical examiner’s office:
Reported by BBC
"'She was incapable of surviving without her feeding tube,' Mr Throgmartin said, adding that she was blind and incapable of thinking, feeling or interacting with her environment. ‘This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons,’ he said."
I’m rubbing it in because of how many people weighed in on this topic but had no medical background to base their position on.
Today I read an article by Rishawn Biddle of the Indianapolis Star’s Editorial staff concerning the need for action by our Mayor, Bart Peterson.
He said:
“Then a walk up Delaware Street reminded me that the gathering of neer do wells that usually keep themselves to the corner of the Wheeler Mission now claim the other side of the street just outside the parking lot of the Regions Bank tower for their very own.
Dr Albert Mohler Jr. “In the case Lawrence V. Texas, the Supreme Court of the United States of America struck down every sodomy law in this country. You see, they found the Constitutional right to sodomy. Does anyone believe that the framers of our Constitution intended for it to be there? By no means. Well if it’s not there, how did the court decision get there? By reading into the Constitution what they wanted to find, which isn’t there, but is constructed there, by expanding the Constitution by re-interpretation.
It was brought to my attention yesterday that a few members of the GLBT community had emailed the fifth district city council member Ginny Cain, concerning Prop 68 (the Indianapolis Human Rights ordinance). She said:
"I will always discriminate against unhealthy addictive behaviors."
As a child, I used to be afraid that one day soon Armageddon would come and destroy my world. In those days I feared the rapture, yet now I welcome it.
"I'm a radical! I'm a real extremist. I don't want to impeach judges. I want to impale them!" - Mark Schwartz, Republican Senator Tom Coburn's chief of staff. This extremist tone permeates the Congress and the White House.
Tuesday evening the Indiana House of Representatives passed Senate Joint Resolution 7 by a vote of 76 to 23. The measure was passed by the Senate earlier in the month and now must be passed by a separately elected legislature before it can be put on the ballot. The earliest the measure could make it onto the ballot is 2008.
Shortly after the vote, a small group of protesters gathered outside the State House.
Ug. I have writers block and it sucks ass. I’ve been trying to write a piece since Tuesday and it just alludes me. I can’t even put together a good intro. This happens when I am asked to write something, not something that comes up out of my soul. I HAVE to be able to get through this crap.
At least I can write a damn blog entry.
As I was getting ready for work, I sat at my PC and talked with one of my favorite LJ'ers, angiewarhol, about "The Justice League", and it somehow fired a synapse that triggered a memory about my childhood.
I get very few crystal clear glimpses of my past and my transsexuality. Usually, it is just a warm memory that is fuzzy at best. For some reason, tonight, I remembered a theatrical presentation of Robin Hood that my 3rd-grade class (not sure exactly sure of the grade) was presenting.
Coming back from Kentucky, Lisa gave me a GLSO Newspaper to read on the way back. Its a queer organization in Kentucky. Anywho, an article in it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I wanted to share it….
The Loss of Innocence aftermath of the affair by Kelly O’ferrell “This is not the face of an ingenue; this is an old soul in a new body- wary, wise to her own long past, on to the wiles of the world, and having miles to go before she sleeps.
The error seems not sufficiently eradicated that the operations of the mind as well as the acts of the body are subject to the coercion of the laws. But our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them. The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God. The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others.
Well, I think I’ve solved my blogging issue. For the longest time I have wanted to be able to blog/post to my website but it’s a pain in the ass to then go over to LJ and reformat the post…then put in any LJ coding and then finally post! I was using Movable Type and an LJ crossposting script, but it wouldn’t let me post the personal posts “friends only” on LJ.
Well, I went in the Indiana Statehouse for the first time in my life. And who stepped through those doors? Marti. It’s wierd to be in a space as a female that I have never been in as a male.
I was nervous as hell at first because it was a press conference and I have mild social anxiety anyhow. As soon as we got into the room where the press conference was to be held and that all washed away.
All those years of watching SNL just paid off.
When I go to work I can't go in full femme mode so I just go extremely andro. Since I go through some pretty rough neighborhoods I just let everyone think what they will.
A couple of days ago I lost my battery charger, or so I'd thought. Today on the bus a fellow regular said "She turned it in, although she referred to you as a woman.
I know your voice has changed but I still have a tape of you talking into the recorder. It’s really the only tangable thing I have to tell me that you ever existed.
To say I miss you would be the understatement of my life.
I love you my darling Danielle.
If you have kids that are teens, it just may….
So if you haven’t heard it enough….get out the vote!
P.S. I’m soooo nervous…. I think I’ve crossed every body part I have for Kerry. ;)
The Bush website proclaims a decisive victory! You be the judge….
CNN: Kerry: 87% Bush: 21% Tie 2%
CBS: Kerry: 87% Bush: 22% Tie: less than 1%
and that bastion of liberalism…
Fox News Kerry 51% Bush 48% Tie: less than 1%
Robert Novak agrees with the Bush team. “President Bush may not have scored a clear-cut victory, but he certainly looked good. In fact, he handled the town hall format with greater skill than Kerry.
Sorry for not posting of late. I read a couple days back, but I can’t read back far enough to get caught up. If you have had something major happen, post a link to the url and I will make sure to read.
The reason I haven’t posted is because of something you may have read about on this LJ. The gubernatorial race here is very tight and the Republican candidate agreed to meet with the GLBT community to discuss his position.
I sent this e-mail to CNN:
I learned from the above URL that you refuse to run a commercial (a very tame commercial that I watched at their website) from the Log Cabin Republicans, yet you continue to run the lies of the “Swift Boat Veterans.” I have decided that I cannot, in good conscience, watch CNN for my news coverage. It’s sad to see CNN follow in the partisan footsteps of Fox News.
“What we have lost will never be returned to us. The land will not heal - too much blood. All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it.” Ada-from the book “Cold Mountain”
So much I have missed in your life, my dear. I miss you more as the days, weeks, and months go by. You are never far from my thoughts. I hear your sweet voice, your warm hugs, and your laugh.
"The promise of America is government that does not seek to regulate your behavior in the bedroom but to guarantee your right to provide food in the kitchen. " I’ve not been a real big fan of the Reverand Sharpton…. but last nights speech was AWESOME!